lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

Entrada en ingles

Hi everyone, its just me, Teodora, a simple girl whit a big ideas and things that need to say. I decide to create something for the pleople that doen´t know Spanish. Mi Inglish is not very good, but, its something.

Im here for say... A little story. I've been bored today, because i dont have a true friend to pass the day whit her, yes i dont have friends. Everybody its so false here, i have got one friend that everyday in this week she call me to play whit him, because her friends dont been this week (they go to a school week) and she has been whit me every day. 

Now her friends came  back, and she doesn´t call me, she doen´t  search me. Yes, probably i should call to her, but i dont wanna call her, its a false friend. I prefer be alone.

To this story im have to say to you: prefer be alone to be whit false pleople.

bye bye mi friend. 


1 comentario:

  1. mejor solo que mal acompañado.
    Disfruta,la vida que es una,que tu con tu alegría cambiarias the world but no dejes que the world quite tu alegria
